Helping Kenya

Outfitters for Adventure administrative support comes through volunteerism and other funding sources, and therefore 100% of your gifts go to the people of Kenya. There are several ways you can support our work in Kenya. Outfitters is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and will provide giving statements for tax reporting.

If you would like to help support our work in Kenya, print this page, complete the information requested, and mail it with your check to:

Ruth Thielke
511 E 4th St
Morris, MN 56267

Ruth can be reached for further information at:

City                                                                            ST:          zip:
I would like to sponsor _____ children. ($300/yr per child)
I would like to help with the food shelf.
I would like to help fund a roof. ($400 per roof)
Use my gift where most needed.
I would like to become a member of a future Site Visit Team.

There are several ways that you can help the people of Kenya through the Kenya Fund.

1. Reach Out to the Children of Kenya (ROCK)

$300/year or $25/month to sponsor a needy child


Mary and Ellie. In 2004 Mary encouraged our team to begin helping needy children.

You can sponsor one or more needy children through donations to ROCK. Sponsorship of one child is $25/month or $300/year. Although you will be asked each year if you want to continue your sponsorship, our hope is that when you agree to be a sponsor, you will make a commitment to provide the finances needed for that child’s food, housing, and clothing until they reach the age of 18 years.

2. Food Shelf for HIV/AIDS Group – gifts accepted in any amount. Outfitters sends $500/month.

Over 50 widows and their children are receiving grain through the food shelf.

Helen distributing grain at food shelf

     A woman thanked Neil telling him that because of the food shelf, they are no longer starving. There is a growing group of adults with HIV or AIDS, mostly widows, who are being cared for by a woman in one of the churches. She provides Christian teaching, helps the people get to clinics where medication is available, and she helps distribute food as donations can be made available. With medication the patients are able to maintain fair health, although not able to overcome the illness. In 2012 there were 40 in the HIV/AIDS group who were receiving care. In 2013 there were around 80, and the group continues to increase.

3. Roof Replacements — $500/roof

Outfitters supplied roof for house in Kurianew roof Kenya

Most roofs are made of thatch. However, we purchase the materials for metal roofs similar to the one in the above picture that last longer. The needy families really benefit from our help, because they cannot afford the metal sheets for the roofs. Each year we try to replace roofs that are leaking.

4. Bibles for schools
The schools need Bibles: Study Bibles, pocket Bibles, and regular Bibles in English.

5. Used laptop computers for schools.
These are used for standardized exams as well as teaching & learning tools.

6. Are you interested in joining a future Site Visit Team or perhaps supporting a team member?

Each year Neil travels to Kenya to conduct the annual site visit. Site visit teams are a great help in interviewing the ROCK children and their caregivers. New pictures are taken, and school records are collected for the children receiving ROCK funds. There are always new children applying for ROCK, whose birth certificate copies are collected to help keep track complete names and ages of the children, as well as names of their parents.

Other needs — gifts of any amount are welcome

When undesignated gifts are donated to the Kenya Fund they are used as needs arise for hospital care, transportation, school aide, and other needs in Kenya. There are also good Christian schools in the area that we help with costs for running the schools as funds are available. The needs in the Kisii District far exceed ROCK funds. Outfitters for Adventure’s vision is to lend a helping hand to the people of Kenya as we encourage them to trust God. Only Jesus can truly satisfy their needs.

People have been helped and prayers have been answered. Keep praying for the people of Kenya. Your prayers are having a strong effect even half way around the world! Praise the Lord!